1.1. The general terms and conditions under which the customer may use the website and its content, place an order for goods offered by GE SUPPLIES Ltd., in the cases where there is no other valid written agreement between GE SUPPLIES Ltd. and the respective customer. The document shall also be applied for the settlement of the relations between GE SUPPLIES Ltd. and a client in respect of distance contracts concluded between them.

1.2. The use, including but not limited to accessing, visiting and viewing the content of the website and/or the goods, including making statements and concluding contracts, assumes that the customer is aware, agrees, accepts and undertakes to comply with these general terms and conditions.

1.3. Access to the services provided by GE SUPPLIES Ltd. for conclusion of distance contracts is possible only through the publicly accessible website  

1.4. The client is responsible for all caused to GE SUPPLIES Ltd. and/or third parties property damages arising from his behavior – action and/or inaction in the use of the website, its content and the services provided.

1.5. In the event that the client does not agree and/or does not accept and/or revoke his agreement with these general terms and/or part of them, he undertakes not to use the website, content and services, not to make statements and not to conclude contracts within the meaning of these general terms and conditions. If the client does not fulfill his obligations under the preceding sentence, the provision of P. 2.2. of these general terms and conditions.

1.6. The client may not retroactively withdraw his consent to the content of these general terms and conditions, as long as a contractual relationship is in force or until he has paid all amounts due under the contract to GE SUPPLIES Ltd.

1.7. The client has the right to withdraw the agreement with this document at the time of making an order, in case the latter has no obligations to GE SUPPLIES Ltd. and only if the order is not processed and confirmed. In this case GE SUPPLIES Ltd. will terminate the order without the occurrence of additional obligations and without any of the parties being liable for damages.

1.8. By placing an order, The Client declares that he is familiar with and accepts these general terms and conditions, as well as that he gives his explicit consent to the conclusion of distance contracts. 

1.9. GE SUPPLIES Ltd. has the right to transfer its rights and obligations under this document and under any contract and contract from a distance to a third party, in which case GE SUPPLIES Ltd. shall not be released from liability for the performance of the transferred obligations in respect of the client, and the acquirer shall act as co-debtor of GE SUPPLIES Ltd. The transfer of the rights under the preceding sentence shall be made by written notification from GE SUPPLIES Ltd. to the client.



2.1. All content, including but not limited to images, text and/or multimedia content, design, software, databases, information and any other content published on the website are the exclusive property of GE SUPPLIES Ltd.



3.1. GE SUPPLIES Ltd. is not responsible for the actions of any person who uses the content and/or information from the website.

3.2. GE SUPPLIES Ltd. is not responsible for any damages arising from use or inability to use information about the type of content presented on the website or for any errors or omissions in the content that may lead to damages.

3.3. GE SUPPLIES Ltd. is not responsible for any damages arising during the transportation of the goods.

3.4. GE SUPPLIES Ltd. is not responsible for the way the customer uses the products provided. For the avoidance of doubt, the client declares and agrees that: is familiar with the specifics of the products offered by GE SUPPLIES Ltd.

3.5. The customer acknowledges and agrees that the responsibility for any damages that may arise from the incorrect performance or application of the products is solely borne by and at the expense of the customer. 



Upon receipt of the goods, the buyer is obliged to immediately review it and in case he finds obvious defects, broken packaging and/or any of the documents required by the Bulgarian legislation, to immediately inform the person making the delivery. If he does not do so, the item is considered approved, and the buyer loses the right later to claim that the goods have been delivered to him with obvious defects, and/or any of the documents required by the Bulgarian legislation.

Address for complaints:



5.1. Except where otherwise expressly stated, each party to a contract that is still in force shall not be liable for non-performance, in part or in whole and/or in cases where the obligations are outside the terms of the contract, in case the non-performance of the obligations has occurred as a result of force majeure.

5.2.A party or its legal representative who invokes force majeure must immediately and comprehensively notify the other party of the event and take measures to prevent it in order to limit its consequences.

5.3. The party or its legal representative who refers to the event described above is exempt from liability only if the event that occurred prevents him from performing the contract in good faith.



6.1. By using, visiting, viewing, etc. on the website of GE SUPPLIES Ltd. the client agrees with these general terms and conditions.

6.2. Any disputes in connection with these general terms and conditions that may occur between a client and GE SUPPLIES Ltd. will be resolved by mutual consent. If this is not possible, they will be referred to the competent Bulgarian court in accordance with the Bulgarian legislation.

6.3. GE SUPPLIES Ltd. is not responsible for any damages, lost profits, costs, claims or other liability if they occurred in non-compliance with these general terms and conditions.

6.4. If any of the terms or provisions mentioned above are or are found to be invalid or Invalid for any reason, this will not affect the validity of the other provisions.